Tuesday, July 19, 2022

2022 Annual WLPOA Meeting and Picnic

Well, the 47th annual White Lake Property Owners Association is in the books!  It went well, the weather was great, the meeting was informative and the brats were delicious.

Our new board member, Jackie, took lots of pictures so here are a few she sent me to document the day.

We couldn't have the picnic without Leo.  He gets the beer and the ice and has giant coolers and tables in his garage that he lets us use every year.  And garbage cans.  And his dualie pickup truck that we throw everything into to take it to the picnic grounds.  Thanks Leo!

Eliot and Bonnie attend to the greeting table to get everyone checked in with nametags and collect dues checks if they want to pay that way.  New Treasurer, Hannah, has set us up with Venmo and another online payment option if people want.

Grillmaster Rick getting things rolling as the meeting is ready to start.

I enjoy being part of an organization that encourages folks to top off their beer if they like before the meeting begins.  This has been going on since the mid-70s.  Then take a seat and learn about the news of the lake.

Our hosts, Jane and Jackie, who got all the food and supplies bought and organized and set out for people to pick up in line.  A very efficient operation.

The crowd is getting organized.  It's important to top off your beer before the meeting is called to order!

Another new WLPOA board member, Dave, saw that the grillmaster did not have enough help for the day, so he jumped in and spent the meeting finishing the brats so we could eat right after the meeting.  We appreciated the new board members who are jumping right in and getting stuff done.

President Mark got the meeting rolling pretty much on time and kept it fun and lively.  Mr. Microphone there provided by my brother, Jon.

DNR Warden Sarah and the Montello Fire Chief talked about fire safety and things we can do with our driveways to help the fire trucks get in quickly if they are ever needed.

The audience was all ears and ready with good questions.

The Fire Chief lets the Warden have the floor.

Tom does all the data collection, water samples and secchi disk readings.  He records it all, sends the stuff to the DNR and gives us a report at our annual meeting and at the White Lake Management District meetings.  Clarity was poor at the start of the season, but has improved by July.

Attentive Attendees

Karen from the White Lake Management District gives us an update on their projects.

Everyone is paying attention, but it's almost time for brats!

And some fabulous stars and stripes cookies.  It is the 4th of July after all!

Always a fun time to catch up with your Lake Neighbors and find out what is going on with our lake.  This White Lake Property Owners Association meeting and picnic is always on the Saturday closest to the 4th of July.  This year the White Lake Management District's meeting is August 6, 2022.  That's an important one to attend as well for lake property owners.

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