Thursday, May 6, 2021

WLPOA Spring 2021 Newsletter Update

It was a long 2020, but the White Lake Property Owners Association carries on!  See below for some updates and plans for 2021.

Lake conditions - Tom Kielich has continued his excellent work of gathering important lake data to share with the state and help us track the health of our lake. Last year, the recorded high lake level was 97.87! Through the fantastic efforts of the WLMD, the lake is at 95.8. See the WLMD reports for more details on lake levels and boating regulations. Secchi disk readings (Lake Clarity) last year were excellent with a high of 36ft and a low of 12ft. Readings this year so far have been 17ft and 11ft.

Membership news - Sadly, we lost three long time property owners who died in 2020:  Mike Coursey, the WLPOA's longtime grillmeister, Fred Blackbourn, the lake's biggest Notre Dame fan, and Adam Pientka, who served on the WLPOA and WLMD Boards for many years. They will be missed. 

As you all know, due to the COVID pandemic, we had to cancel our 2020 annual meeting in July. It would have been our 46th meeting of record.  We plan to meet this year Saturday July 3rd at our normal time of 10:30 am (same location WLMD property as previous years.)  However, due to the continued risks related to COVID, we will not be serving food or beverages.  For those who are comfortable, feel free to bring your own snacks and beverage of choice. 

We did not collect dues last year, but plan to reinstate this year. With your $50 dues, we will continue to support the goals of the White Lake Property Owners Association. Over the years we have supported many lake improvements such as fish cribs, minnow habitat, equipment for lake monitoring and clean-up, as well as fish stocking.    

Thanks to Lesa Vich, a woman who gets things done!  She coordinated with the White Lake Management District (which funds the muskrat trapping) and our favorite 
Muskrat trapper, and we have fewer pests already.  

Fall Clean-up - We hope to be able to resume this activity in the fall and will update you accordingly. 

Board updates-After many years of service to the WLPOA, Fred Forest has resigned his position from the board. Fred has contributed in many ways and we will miss his leadership on the board. He has assured us; he will continue to “educate” any boaters who do not follow our lake regulations. He has helped make the lake safer for everyone. This leaves the board with 2 open positions and in need of someone who can take over the important job of cooking the brats next year we plan to resume our full picnic activities. If anyone is interested in learning more and helping out, please contact us at